Saturday, April 4, 2020

Class 9, online, 3/30

Using a YouTube tutorial, Basic Motion Path, I created a CV curve and a sphere. I used the  snap to curve tool to attach the sphere to the curve, then went into the animation tab and added motion path to both. The sphere begins moving on frame one and ends on frame 120.

Using the same tutorial as earlier, I attached my dunebuggy model to a CV curve. Begins to move on frame 1 and ends in the same spot on 120, making a continuous loop. 
Adding a camera and a CV curve path I had the camera flow a general shape of a path that I gave the model. I used a YouTube tutorial, Camera animation, to help me work somethings that I could not find on my own. I found a few things difficult, I would set the camera to the angle I wanted and would look through the camera perspective and it would look good, but when I played back the animation it would zoom in and would go faster the the model itself. So I still need to play around with the frame rate of the camera, maybe adding keyframes?

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