Friday, April 24, 2020

Class 12, Focusing on Final Project

For the final project I would still like to focus on what I had worked on for the midterm. Using the dunebuggy model from before, with textures. 
I will have it be driving through an environment, possibly a desert passing cactuses and rocks.
I would like to try and create another model if possible before the end of the semester, modeling seems to be my favorite part of creating an animation. I sometimes have difficultly adding the textures and adding cameras confuses me a little more then it should.
Possibly a model referencing this dunebuggy!

Class 11

For this weeks class, I decided to try and tackle the flour sack, giving it a jump cycle and so sort of personality. I found it a little more entertaining to move around compared to the Andy Rig. It is such a basic and bland object that it leaves you to create anything you would like.
While thinking about what I would like the sack to do, it reminded me of the mops in Disney's Fantasia, how without any facial expression you can see their intent and what exactly they want.
I would love to make a full animation using the flour sack and create a character out of it.

Class 10, Andy Rig

Using the Andy Rig was easier than expected, I thought it was going to be difficult to understand how to move the model itself. But as soon as I start it became easier and easier.
I started off by angling the head down and trying to change the posture of the model itself. Eventually I allowed it to stand up straight because it looked best that way. I tried to get it to do a walking animation using key frames. I rotated the foot and moved the arms back and forth to a more human quality.
I was unsure if I should be focusing on one individual part of the model and key-framing just the movement of one and then going back in later to the other limbs.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Class 9, online, 3/30

Using a YouTube tutorial, Basic Motion Path, I created a CV curve and a sphere. I used the  snap to curve tool to attach the sphere to the curve, then went into the animation tab and added motion path to both. The sphere begins moving on frame one and ends on frame 120.

Using the same tutorial as earlier, I attached my dunebuggy model to a CV curve. Begins to move on frame 1 and ends in the same spot on 120, making a continuous loop. 
Adding a camera and a CV curve path I had the camera flow a general shape of a path that I gave the model. I used a YouTube tutorial, Camera animation, to help me work somethings that I could not find on my own. I found a few things difficult, I would set the camera to the angle I wanted and would look through the camera perspective and it would look good, but when I played back the animation it would zoom in and would go faster the the model itself. So I still need to play around with the frame rate of the camera, maybe adding keyframes?