Saturday, March 28, 2020

Class 8, online 3/23

Using my model from the midterm, I began adding textures to the body of the dunebuggy.
I also added two lights above the model, I am having difficult time figuring out how to properly render the model out. It currently renders showing no light in the plane, so I plan on watching a few YouTube tutorials in order to do it correctly. Also to figure out which textures I should be using where on each part of the car.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020



I chose to make a model based off of a Meyers Manx Dune Buggy. Over the past six years my family has traveled the United States driving a Manx Dune Buggy, leading to me having traveled to 45 states. It is a complicated model that I felt would be a challenge, but I would also be able to add slight differences to the model that are not in real life.r

Overall, I feel that my model is successful for being new to the program, or any computer based media. I enjoy using polygons much more than Nurbs, and found polygons easier to manipulate into shaped that I needed. I think it would be fun to continue with this idea of the Dune Buggy and possibly animate it driving through the desert. I really enjoyed making the small details on the car, like the seats, items on the dashboard, headlights and little badge on the front nose of the car. I made the buggy come more to life than just having the basic body shape. Having the item being so familiar I think helped me in the overall process of creating it. I was able to use my knowledge and change things without having to constantly revisit my reference images. I also really enjoy the process of modeling as a whole, I do not fully understand how to render and add textures and colors yet. But I would love to continue to make models, and maybe even more complex ones.

As far as what I would change about the model, I think I would change the shape of the roll bar, and how I went about making the back of the car, body shape and engine. I was unsure of how I could make a rounded shape that would resemble the roll bar that are placed on these small kit cars. I used polygons cubes and stretched and squished them until I got the desired shape and added a bevel so it was not so boxy. While making the body I started with the nose and floor board as one piece and pushed and pulled vertexes to get the shape. I then added a rectangle to the side and again pulled vertexes till getting the shape of the fenders that somewhat resembles the Manx. I mirrored the shape and placed it on the opposite side of the body. I think there might be an easier way to do this, but I am unsure of how I would go about doing it. The back of the car might be the most difficult thing that I had to make. It is not accurate to the actual car, and I am not exactly happy with how it came out. I think I needed to add more sections within the rectangle before stretching it to be able to actually pull the vertexes where I want them to be. And finally the engine, again I did not know how to go about making something bend and be rounded, like the exhaust pipe. I added some shapes just to give the general appearance of an engine, which I think I could go into more details eventually. 

Monday, March 2, 2020

Class Work, March 2

Class Demo CV Curves, Lamp
Also started pencil, I had difficultly following along during class when using the trim tool.

During class studio time, I spent time building and working on this model.
I am having trouble beveling the edges of the wheels so they are not so boxy.
I am still going to work on overall body shape, but this is a good start

Dune Buggy Model

Using images of my families Meyers Manx Dune Buggy, I am trying to create a model based on the body style of the fiberglass tub.

Edit: added different model of dune buggy to March 2nd, class work

Ferris Wheel Model

 I started by creating a spoked wheel, then duplicating it and adding support beams to connect to the ground. I plan on adding baskets to hold individuals like a real Ferris Wheel.